March 8, 2008


I was punched three times in the face last night during a brawl that broke out in my basement. Some Fella made fun of another fella's jacket and he got mad. The jacket was a replica of Michael Jackson's Thriller music video garb. Easily one of the most recognizable pieces of apparel to come out of the 1980s.

The basement dance floor was packed with girls coping with self-image issues and dudes shouldering up, intending to get laid. For most of these guys I imagine the evening's ultimatum was get laid or be an asshole. Apparently the girls weren't putting out.

So everything's dancing when ThrillerJacket "gets involved" with a tall guido. In a flurry of red leather and spiked hair they fell onto the dance floor. Every dude in the room, responding to basic animal instinct, immediately joined the fight.

Being in the room at the time, I felt the same instinctive rush and soon found myself in the midst of things. I joined the scuffle as a peace-keeper and threw no punches, but reflecting on a particular moment, whenst I threw one dude against the wall and pinned his hands down, I think I should have hit him. Because two second later some other fella clocks me on the left side of the face. That was exhilarating. Not because I have some odd fetish for pain, but because it didn't faze me. I just went on and pushed the dude. I got punched two more times in the rough of things, but never saw the guy what did it. Seems like all the punches were thrown by "pussies" who seized the opportunity to blindside a dude who wasn't hurting anybody.

Maybe I should have hurt somebody. I may be blowing smoke up the old ass when I say this, but I was stronger than the dudes I was tying up with. I could feel it. I took three punches to the face and I was still in control. What would have happened if I'd let loose?

I'm picking this topic apart because I have never punched someone with the intent to cause harm. I've never had the situation where I felt justified giving out pain. So I'm curious. I'd like to see how effective a pain-giver I can be.

There's a reasonable way to go about doing this, like competing with the campus boxing team or joining fight club, but I don't have that kind of time.

However, I've been noticing an increase of events in my life that lend themselves to fighting. I put myself in more situations where tempers run loosely and I'm being an asshole.

Could be interesting to see what happens.

I'll keep you folks posted.

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