My friend Melissa came up with the wonderful "Spitzer Swallows" headline. I must also credit Carrie for coming up with it separately but at a slightly later date. It may not accurately convey the news value of the Spitzer prostitute controversy, but it is funny as hell. Anyway, seeing all the press conferences of the governor apologizing and later resigning, I've found the funniest part of the whole debacle is the man's teary-eyed wife, always at his side. The two Harvard Law graduates rode the political ladder together and now it's all come toppling down over some high-end hookers. The man has some taste in women. A smart lass for a wife and some expensive pussy on the side. It worked out for awhile, sir, just too bad you got caught. He'll be shamed publicly for some time, and will never make it in elected office again, but he's got his cash and can retire comfortably. Rough when your life rides on your ego like that. You can lose it so fast. Bummer dude.
I am actually going to post this comment now. I would go ahead and say it's not nice to make light of his wife just because she went to Harvard. She still got cheated on, with a really, really beautiful hooker and her life is pretty much at an all time low. That's definitely not her fault. The funniest part is that this guy is a douche and got caught - not that his wife now has to feel like shit and deal with finding out that her husband was cheating probably when everyone else did in national news. Also, I question what the difference between gold digging and prostitution really is, aren't there tons of hot younger women having affairs with balding men in power just to get at their money? It's pretty fucked up that it's accepted by society to do that, but when you actually call the transaction of money for sex prostitution, it becomes a different idea.
Anyway, it is a great cartoon and a genius headline. Though my English teacher did say she thought it was offensive... but she also told the class that from her experience everyone who works for the Diamondback is only half literate at best. Which was awwkward when I raised my hand and asked if she thought I was literate...
best ever. had me half out of my chair, almost on the floor lawlzin'. BOOTY!
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