September 28, 2007

How to be lame

I spelled "guardian" incorrectly in today's comic and two wads decided to call me out on it by sending me a Facebook message. These two wads happen to be boyfriend and girlfriend and probably hatched this scheme while they were having dull dispassionate sex. Smooth move shooting me a Facebook message, you petty pair. Now I disseminate our conversations. Check it.

Sarah Sherman
11:01pm September 27th
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you spelled guardian wrong, ace

Mike O'Brien
Today at 12:03pm
Seems you have the proper qualifications. English major: check. Petty attitude: check. I will pay you 2 dollars every day to edit my comics.

Cyrus Naderpour
11:40pm September 27th
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I think todays comic was really funny, misspelling guardian really took it to the next level.

Mike O'Brien
Today at 12:17pm
Look at you, with your sarcasm, and your girlfriend who you do things with. Hold on. Wait just one second. A thought comes to me. It says, "Cyrus Naderpour, 'todays' is possessive and thus requires an apostrophe before the 's' " Spell check doesn't catch that, I suppose. [I'll let you fill in whatever insulting word I should call you here]

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