September 30, 2007

Letters to the editor, the hard copies

Here's the letters to the editor about me in the Diamondback this year thus far.

September 28, 2007

How to be lame

I spelled "guardian" incorrectly in today's comic and two wads decided to call me out on it by sending me a Facebook message. These two wads happen to be boyfriend and girlfriend and probably hatched this scheme while they were having dull dispassionate sex. Smooth move shooting me a Facebook message, you petty pair. Now I disseminate our conversations. Check it.

Sarah Sherman
11:01pm September 27th
Report Message
you spelled guardian wrong, ace

Mike O'Brien
Today at 12:03pm
Seems you have the proper qualifications. English major: check. Petty attitude: check. I will pay you 2 dollars every day to edit my comics.

Cyrus Naderpour
11:40pm September 27th
Report Message
I think todays comic was really funny, misspelling guardian really took it to the next level.

Mike O'Brien
Today at 12:17pm
Look at you, with your sarcasm, and your girlfriend who you do things with. Hold on. Wait just one second. A thought comes to me. It says, "Cyrus Naderpour, 'todays' is possessive and thus requires an apostrophe before the 's' " Spell check doesn't catch that, I suppose. [I'll let you fill in whatever insulting word I should call you here]

Letters to the Editor

There's been a few letters to the editor about my cartoon this past week or two. Here's a link, I'll scan and post the hard copies later.


September 21, 2007

Upload Updates

All the editorial cartoons and comic strips on my website have been updated to match up with real world production. If you missed any of the strips in the paper, peruse back in my archive and catch up with some giggles.

September 19, 2007

Video Games!

Folks, I just started working on a Flash video game with two friends from school. The main character will be a variation of the robot tin can in the two animations posted last week. We just started working so I won't tell you anything about the game because its likely to change lots. All you gotta know is what I just told you. Keep up, you.

September 13, 2007

New animation with Aesop Rock - Catacomb Kids

R. Crumb drop. click it.

New Animation!

I call this the "In Class Animation" because I drew the pictures in stat class and then put it all together in flash at home. My first traditional-type. Enjoy.